Geändert von jesusfreak11 (17.05.2011 um 04:52 Uhr)
über was singt er?
A century has passed,
each hour is hard for me.
You have surely changed,
but i haven't closed my eyes.
This is the end of the journey
only you i'll want to see.
So I come to you,
with sharpened eyes
because I saw how resentment
takes me to a place
where people had lost it all.
Wait till I return, tomorrow i'll be home.
I'm through fixing the world, in a land of arguing.
Wait till I return, it's good to be home.
All were brothers in their blood,
The road back is beautiful.
I don't want to be a hero,
to you I wanted to tell how during the black light,
somebody watches over,
He hides between the clouds,
but leaves behind hope,
for days that are nicer, the days of love.
I don't want any more pain in the eyes,
this pain will be defeated in love.
Wait till I return, tomorrow i'll be home.
I'm through fixing the world, in a land of arguing.
Wait till I return, it's good to be home.
All were brothers in their blood,
The road back is beautiful.
Geändert von absalom (17.05.2011 um 12:42 Uhr)
Der Gedanke ist alles. Der Gedanke ist der Anfang von allem. Und Gedanken lassen sich lenken.
Daher ist das Wichtigste:
Die Arbeit an den Gedanken.
Leo Tolstoi