To: Ban Ki-moon United Nations Secretary General

To: United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon
& the UN Security Council

Leaders of Islamic Republic of Iran must be tried!

The world is watching the political situation in Iran. People in Iran have taken matters into their own hands and are protesting against the Islamic Republic of Iran. Many people who are in the streets shouting “Down with Dictator” have no illusion about the different factions of the Islamic regime. The choice for them is not Mousavi or Ahmadinejad. The choice is the overthrow of the Islamic Republic.

This is the regime of 150,000 murders of the opposition and the people fighting for freedom and equality. Join millions of people in Iran to put pressure on the Islamic regime. Sign this petition. Let us get rid of the Islamic regime in the same way millions of people internationally helped to get rid of the apartheid regime in South Africa.

We the undersigned support the struggle of people in Iran for equality, freedom and prosperity and demand that:

1- Islamic regime be stuck off as the legitimate state of Iran and be expelled from the international community.

2- The bank accounts, (outside Iran), belonging to the leaders of the Islamic regime to be frozen.

3- Leaders of the Islamic regime must be tried at international courts of law for crimes against people of Iran.

Organisation for Women’s Liberation
Organisation “Wanted by People”
29 June 2009


The Undersigned
Sehe hier nicht, das es explizit um Christen geht, Sel.

Ist trotzdem fragwürdig, das zu "unterschreiben".